Connect with us throughout the week on social media:

Healing and hope for you and your family
every Sunday at 10:00 and 11:30am and 24/7 online.

Every Sunday we welcome all people into a transformational environment where God's love is experienced through music, a relatable message, and caring community.

We host church for kids during both 10:00am and 11:30am celebrations in the YMCA's newly updated kid's section.

We also host church for teens during the 11:30am celebration upstairs in the YMCA.

Vineyard Church is located at: 7900 S Shelby St, Indianapolis, IN 46227

(In partnership with the Baxter YMCA - our primary celebration is hosted in the North Gym of the YMCA)

February Series:

Get ready to level up your faith with our electrifying new series, "Game On!"

We're diving into the ultimate playbook—the Bible—to tackle life's challenges head-on. Whether you're facing personal trials or seeking deeper spiritual growth, this series is designed to equip you with the strategies to win in the game of life. Join in as we explore how to train with purpose, build a winning team, and press on toward the ultimate prize. It's time to get off the sidelines and into the action. Are you ready? Game on!

Bring your friends on Sunday, Feb 2 and get in the game!

Last weekend's message: