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Classes & Workshops at the Vineyard



Information about this exciting opportunity coming soon! Class starting in March 2025!

Kingdom Finance

Kingdom Finance is a FREE e-course that explores God's best plan for your money. You’ll learn practical stewardship strategies like budgeting and the “debt snowball.” Our hope is that as you go through this course, you’ll not only be equipped with tools to manage your finances, but you’ll also be set free of fears and walk with a deeper trust in Jesus when it comes to money.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is a 9-week course, where you'll learn to slow down your life to cultivate your own deep relationship with Jesus and stop living off the spirituality of others. As Christians, we know it’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature, and we at Vineyard want to equip you on your journey with Christ.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

Want more peace in your life? What if there was a way to minimize the conflict in your relationships in a healthy way? Emotionally Healthy Relationships is an 8-week course, where you'll learn eight practical skills to develop mature, loving relationships with others. In this course, you'll get equipped with 8 practical relationship skills to love others like Jesus.  Click the link below to find out more and sign up today! Next Class Starts in June!

Falling in Love With the Bible

This class is going to be an opportunity to learn about the bible while developing a habit that will change your life. This transformational class will help you to go from someone who doesn't really get the bible, to a place where you can utilize the bible as a tool in your life that will guide you, transform you and help you to lead the life that God has for you! More information coming soon!

Grief Share

More information to come.


Healing Prayer

This is going to be a great opportunity! More information coming soon!

What is a normal prayer life ?

More information coming!

What is the Kingdom of God?

Check back for more information soon!

Learning to hear from God

Excited to fill you in about this! Check back soon to find out more!