Connect with us throughout the week on social media:

Thomas Graves

LifeGroups Pastor

Find your people.

God designed us for community. Whether you feel like a “people-person” or not—we all need each other. That’s why we have LifeGroups, to find community that has the potential to change our lives. Just like most things, you won’t know until you try, so check out the directory and connect with a LifeGroup today!

LifeGroup  Leader Training:  Saturday January 25th @ Noon

Explore your talents and role as a leader, apprentice, or host for a LifeGroup!

LifeGroups help build relationships and create dialogue with others by making room for the Holy Spirit to bring wisdom and revelation to people. The pressure is off!

As a leader, God is the one who works in people’s hearts. All we do is keep the conversation going and on track -- this creates an environment for community and life change to happen! If you're  ready to partner with God to use your talents and gifts, tap the button below.

We are going to meet at the Baxter YMCA, upstairs in the conference room, for a FREE LUNCH and to learn more about what leading a life group is like. Signing up doesn't mean that you are a leader, there is no obligation, just come and check it out! Please make sure to sign up below and I'll see you Saturday, January 25th @ Noon.

Williams Group

Leaders: Steve and Ellie Williams
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30pm
Location: We meet over Zoom.
Description: Join us as we go deeper into the weekend messages and grow in relationship with Jesus! 

Leffler Group

Leaders: John and Pam Leffler
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Leffler Home (Greenwood Area)
Description: We have a great group of people who meet every week in our home to go deeper and grow together.

Cerk Group

Leaders: Sue Cerk
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7-8pm
Location: Franklin Township Area - Contact for address
Description: There is something so very special about worshiping and praying together, studying the bible together and sharing how it applies to your own life. This life group is a safe, welcoming, and loving environment where we can share our hearts and our love for his word!

Arnold Group

Leaders: Gary Arnold
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30-8pm
Location: Southwest Side (~10-15 minutes from the YMCA)
Description: We are starting a new group for people who want to grow! Click the button below and contact Gary for more information.